figshare statistics service

The figshare statistics service is available at and it supports retrieving information about the number of views, downloads and shares related to items available of figshare. From here on, an event is one of view, download or share.

All communication with the service is done through https and all data is encoded as json. Optional authorization for specific endpoints is done through basic access authentication.


For some specialized endpoints, access to institution specific statistics requires sending a base64-encoded pair of username:password in the basic authorization header:

Authorization: Basic dGhpcyBpcyBub3QgdGhlIHJlYWwgcGFzc3dvcmQsIGZvb2wh

Please note that the analogous endpoint for retrieving statistics for items outside the institutional scope, requires no authentication:



Error responses are common for all endpoints and are presented below.

Each error response will have a specific HTTP status code and a JSON body with the following fields

Field Description
message A human friendly message explaining the error.
code A machine friendly error code, used by the dev team to identify the error.
data An object containing extra information about the error.

400 Bad Request

This error response will be raised when an invalid field is sent in the parameters of the request or when a field is missing from the parameters of the request. Required and optional fields in the body are documented for each endpoint, where applicable.

403 Forbidden

This error response is presented when attempting to retrieve information from a protected endpoint without the appropriate Authorization header.

404 Not Found

This error response is presented when attempting to access a non existing endpoint. Please note that it will not be raised when attempting to gather statistics for an item which doesn't exist on figshare, instead an appropriate empty result will be returned.


The statistics service endpoints can be classified in 4 categories:


All endpoints are applicable for the following items:

  • group: events on items inside the specified group
  • author: events on items authored by the specified user
  • article: events on the specified article
  • project: events on the specified project
  • collection: events on the specified collection


This type of endpoint enables the retrieval of the total number of events for a specific item. More details and examples are provided here.


This type of endpoint enables the retrieval of a timeline of the number of events for a specific item, with a specified granularity. More details and examples are provided here.


This type of endpoint enables the retrieval of a geo-location breakdown of the number of events for a specific item, with a specified granularity. More details and examples are provided here.


This type of endpoint enables the retrieval of rankings of the most viewed, downloaded or shared items, over a specific period of time. More details and examples are provided here.