API feature list

The figshare api v2 is accessible at https://api.figshare.com/v2. All communication is done through https and all data is encoded as JSON.

Sending parameters

More often than not you need to send parameters to an endpoint. For GET requests these are usualy sent in the query string but for POST and PUT requests they are usually in the body of the request.

Query string

Query strings can contain parameters encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Very common for GET requests.

Example: Sending page parameter when listing articles:

GET /v2/articles?page=3 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.figshare.com
Authorization: token a287ab8c7ebdbe6

Request json body

POST and PUT request usualy read their params from the body of the http request. Our API only understands application/json encoded bodies.

Example: Sending search_for parameter when searching for articles:

POST /v2/articles/search HTTP/1.1
Host: api.figshare.com
Authorization: token a287ab8c7ebdbe6

    "search_for": "figshare"

Resource representations

Resources can be presented differently across endpoints. Usually endpoints that return a list of resources will send a lighter representation of each resource while an endpoint for an individual resource will use a more detailed and complete representation.

Representations for each resource type are documented here and the documentation for each endpoint will specify what kind of representation it's using.

Blank resource fields are included in the representation as null instead of being omitted.


The v2 API supports OAuth2 access tokens, issued as described in the oauth documentation page.

In addition to oauth access tokens, you can also use a personal token which grants you full access to your account. Personal tokens can be created and managed from the applications page at figshare.

Any of these tokens can be used to authenticate and there are 2 options to include them in requests:

GET /v2/token HTTP/1.1
Host: api.figshare.com
Authorization: token ACCESS_TOKEN

Example with curl:

curl -H "Authorization: token ACCESS_TOKEN" https://api.figshare.com/v2

Query param:

GET /v2/token?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN HTTP/1.1
Host: api.figshare.com

Example with curl:

curl https://api.figshare.com/v2?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN


Endpoints can respond with error responses. The common error responses for all endpoints are presented below and errors specific to individual enpoints are documented along with the endpoint.

Each error response will have a specific HTTP status code and a JSON body with the following fields:

Field Description
message A human friendly message explaining the error.
code A machine friendly error code, used by the dev team to identify the error.
data An object containing extra information about the error. Documented for each error.

404 Not found

Trying to access resources that do not exist, will trigger this response from the API.

This is also returned if you try to access a resource on which you don't have a read permission.

400 Bad request

Sending a body that cannot be parsed as JSON will result in this error response.

422 Unprocessable Entity

Sending an invalid data structure in the body will trigger this error. Invalid data can be any of the following:

  • missing field
  • invalid value for a field
  • any other rules specific to an endpoint

401 Unauthorized

This error is returned when the authorization was unsuccessfull. This can be either due to:

  • missing authorization info in the request
  • invalid or unknown authorization info
  • expired or disabled account

403 Forbidden

This response is presented whenever you try to do something which is not permitted for your current authorization. authorization info

Searching, filtering and pagination

Endpoints that list items usually support any of the following features:

  • pagination
  • ordering
  • searching
  • filtering

Pagination params

Pagination can be done by specifing either page and page_size params pair or the limit and offset params pair. If confusing combinations appear in a request, a 422 Unprocessable Entity will be returned.

field type default description
page int 1 Page number
page_size int 10 The number of results included on a page
limit int 10 Number of results included on a page
offset int 0 Where to start the listing(the offset of the first result)

Please note that there's a limit on the maximum offset or page number you can require. The offset is currently limited at 1000 and if exceeded a 422 Unprocessable Entity error will be returned. For pages, it depends on the page_size but for a page_size of 10, the maximum page would be 1000 / 10 = 100

Ordering params

Ordering is done via the order and order_direction params.

field type default description
order string varies The field by which to order. Default varies by endpoint/resource. For articles and collections, valid values are: published_date, modified_date, views, shares, downloads and cites.
order_direction string varies Only asc and desc values are supported. Default varies by endpoint/resource

Searching params

field type description
search_for string Search endpoints require this field. Usually min length is 3

Filtering params

Some endpoints allow filtering results. Filters are extra fields in the body and the documentation for each endpoint will present them in detail.

Rate limiting

Not implemented at this point.

Conditional requests

Most responses should return an ETag header and a Last-Modified header. You can use the values of these headers to create conditional requests. We encourage to use these whenever possible.

CORS policy

The API supports CORS for AJAX requests from any origin.